Wednesday, September 7, 2011

Friday (but not this friday) ---Personality Test

These tests are so hard to take! You would think I know myself well enough to answer some questions about me, but I vacillated between a lot of the answers. Oh well. This is what I ended up with...
Extraverted, Intuitive, Feeling, Perceiving
It says I am a distinct extravert which is true most of the time, but especially when I'm spending a lot of time with my mom's side of the family, I like to have some quiet time for myself. Also, I'm a runner and while I love running with my team, late-night runs in the dark chilly air full of solitude often help me clear my head, however cliche that may be.
It is also telling me I'm moderately intuitive-which makes sense. I'm spontaneous and let my feelings lead me, and hate talking about planning. So I agree with that.
I'm apparently also moderately "feeling," whatever that means. I guess that I am sympathetic and empathetic towards others. I like to comfort people, but I don't think I'm very good at it; I never know what to say!
And I'm slightly perceiving, which is a lie. I'm totally oblivious to most things. I'm not a dumb person, but I feel like I come off that way, which I hate. I don't pick up on things easily, whether it be someone's feelings towards me, or a joke which I happen to be the butt of :)
So thanks, computerized personality test, I feel so much more in touch with myself now.

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