Friday, November 11, 2011


This semester, I have read a couple books that interest me as well as a couple that were torturous to read. I found that I enjoyed more informal writing rather than Charles Dickens or Emily Bronte. The styles of these two authors mostly just bored me, and the complicated plots made them frustrating to read. I guess I just like to take the easy way out and not think too hard on the books I'm reading.
I constantly had trouble meeting the weekly quota for pages and was often only reading the bare minimum pages. I am a very slow reader which is a hindrance when it comes to reading for quantity. I also had trouble keeping up with the blogs that go along with the reading, especially because I have very little free time on my hands, so anything that isn't absolutely imperative to get done the next day often did not get done until the night before it was due. I am a chronic procrastinator, but part of this is due to the fact that I often value sleep at 11 or midnight over homework. My time management is somewhat lacking, but even when I do manage my time well, there are days which just don't contain enough hours to allow me enough time to do all my homework and reading, after-school activities, and a full-night's sleep. The reading was probably my most enjoyable homework this semester, but it was also usually the thing to get pushed aside until the last minute. This makes for long nights of trying to stay awake while reading and writing.

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