Sunday, October 9, 2011

Here we go!

I've got a busy week ahead of me! I'm about to get so far behind on my blogging....oh well. Even this post is late! I will find a way to keep up :)
I've got six hours of show choir every day this week except friday, plus cross country every day and sectionals on tuesday. I would rather just be at show choir the whole time and not have to miss any of it, but at least the season is almost over!
I had a great weekend, which is why I'm doing my homework now. Oh well, it's worth it. I don't recommend the haunted cave, however. The lines are too long.
I don't really feel like writing about anything worth thought right now, which would be why I'm not writing about my reading. Although I will say I'm enjoying Oliver Twist. It's an easy read compared to the other selections I've read this year, and it's a heck of a lot more interesting. But it's good to know the classics, especially for the SAT. So that's all I'm gonna say about the class right now.

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