Wednesday, August 31, 2011

Point of View

I love the perspective of this book. It may seem to some people that it is biased for a pastor to write a book called Heaven is For Real, but to me it seems only appropriate. When Colton gives Todd information about what he saw in heaven, Todd can compare it to the Bible verbatim, which he does quite often and seemingly honestly. Todd also continually reiterates that when he would ask Colton questions about heaven, he would try to leave them open ended, so as not to lead Colton in any certain direction.
His experience and knowledge of the faith are not the only aspects of having a pastor as a narrator that add to the book. Todd also has a hard time believing or picturing certain things about heaven, shattering any preconceived notion that a pastor never has any questions of faith. He honestly wants to believe all these things about his faith and heaven itself, but it is human nature to question things we can't physically touch or see. And Todd is only human.

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